Monday, September 22, 2008

Dear GOP Volunteers, A few people have emailed me to say that they are having trouble viewing the calendar/schedule. Try this link;

I found a bug and have reset the calendar. This should fix it.

Please let me know if you are still having problems. Also, the calendar should be at the very bottom of the Cleveland County GOP Volunteer Blog;

Please let me or Tom Corley know what shift you prefer to work at HQ. If this will be your first time at the office, let us know that too so that we can be there to help orient you.

We have started requesting a dollar per sign donation and that is working well. The OK GOP has to pay for the signs since we are a safe win state for John McCain.It is imporant to note that we are NOT charging for the signs but rather requesting a donation. It is not mandatory for someone to pay to recieve a sign.

If any of the volunteers recieving this email are new and have not recieved a personal call from one of us to help orient them, I hope you will accept my apologies.You are each very valuable and any omission is the result of our growing pains.

If you would just reply to this email and let me know, I would be happy to call and visit with you tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience,Kaye Beach405-818-3224

Friday, September 19, 2008

Meeting Summary continued and

Hi GOP Volunteers,
Everyone should have received a form in their email.
This is to replace the logbook. You may still want to put your entries down in the paper
book as you work and then enter them into this form afterwards.

We can also do it this way. Enter any messages, requests etc. into the log book and
the morning shift person could add the entries online as a part of their morning duties.

If anyone has any objections to adding this online logging to he morning duties, let me know.

I also wanted to express how great it is to see so may volunteering. I was taken by the initiative that Lynsey Talmage showed in getting that booth going for the GOP. Just a handful of go-getters like her and our party would always sparkle!
Hats off to you, Lynsey!
Tom Corley has been steadfast, doing the extremely difficult work of scheduling. I can't thank you enough, Tom. I am hoping the online schedule (if you get an invitation to google calendar from me-that is what it is. The schedule. You should be able to put yourself on or take yourself off and immediately the updated schedule should be visible to all of us) will take that load off of you.
Eddie Grooms is our behind the scenes guy making sure we are able to access the net from our HQ. Big thanks for that!
Hats off to all the volunteers. You are doing what most people only talk about, building a strong Republican Party.

I would love any input you may want to offer. This is a whole new experience for me. I have been self-employed all of my adult life and have never had to function as part of a team. Managing, organizing....the whole kit and kaboodle, all new to me. I am famous for being dis-organized really. So, if you can help me with this aspect or offer any advice, I would be very appreciative for it.

Everyone should have access to the volunteer list so that we can con tact each other.
If you encounter any trouble just let me know.
I can be reached anytime at 818-3224 or

This is a link to our blog where I will try to put any news or info that is relevant to our volunteers.

That's it for now.